Introduction to Ancient Greek Philosophy
Introduction to Ancient greek Philosophy
Yoav Meyrav
Short description
The object of the course is to familiarize students with the main figures and central texts of the Classical period of Greek philosophy, focusing on themes and modes of argumentation in philosophy of nature, metaphysics, ethics, and politics. The course's methodology is to combine lectures with joint analysis of key passages and free discussion.
Course Requirements
Mid Term assignment—Pre-Socratic Philosophers (paper; 3–4 pages; 30% of final grade).
Final assignment—Plato and Aristotle (paper; 6–8 pages; 60% of final grade).
Attendance and Participation: Attendance is mandatory and comprises 10% of the final grade (Students are allowed up to 3 unexcused absences). Fruitful participation in class can warrant up to 5 bonus points added to the final grade, at my discretion.