Program Structure

The International B.A. in Liberal Arts offers three different paths for graduation 



Students commencing the three-year Liberal Arts program on or after fall 2019 are required to complete 120 academic credits. A full degree is composed of the following:

  • Core (24 or 26 credits) - A series of introductory courses taken during the first year of study that introduce you to major academic disciplines (history, philosophy, the social sciences, literature, and academic writing). Students study either two or four credits of academic writing depending on prior experience.

Elective tracks - you will choose four of the following eight tracks:


  • Major (36 credits) - You will choose one of your four elective tracks to pursue in the greatest depth. In this track, you will also participate in a senior seminar in your final year of studies. Students will declare their major at the end of the first year. (Life Sciences and Entrepreneurship and Innovation are only available as minor or basic tracks.)
  • Minor (24 credits). This track will also involve a senior seminar.
  • Two basic tracks (18 credits each, or 18 and 16 credits depending on the number of core credits completed).


Students are encouraged to take advantage of TAU’s Centre for Language Excellence, which offers a wide variety of foreign language courses at no additional cost. The program also offers Arabic and Hebrew classes as a part of the Middle Eastern Studies and Jewish Studies tracks. Students may study a maximum of eight credits in a foreign language. Grades from Hebrew classes do not count towards the final GPA.

The program structure is summarized below:





Major track


Minor track


Basic track I


Basic track II





Transfer credits

International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced Placement (AP) and college/university courses can be transferred to count towards your TAU degree. IBs of 5+, APs of 4+ and college/university courses of B and above will be considered. For courses to transfer, they must fit with your TAU program of study. A maximum of 80 credits can be transferred. 


*Life Sciences and Entrepreneurship and Innovation are available as minor/basic tracks only.











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