Program Structure
The International B.A. in Liberal Arts offers three different paths for graduation
As a student on the B.A. in Management and Liberal Arts, you will earn a Tel Aviv University bachelor's diploma with two majors.
This three-year program comprises 60 Liberal Arts credits and 74 Management credits.
Year 1:
- Liberal Arts Core (20 credits): A series of introductory courses that acquaint students with the academic disciplines and approaches fundamental to the Liberal Arts. The courses introduce students to history, philosophy, the social sciences, and literature. Additionally, you will study either two or four credits of academic writing (depending on prior experience).
- Management courses (27 credits): Providing students with solid foundations in business and management, the following courses comprise the first year curriculum: Introduction to Information Technology, Introduction to Mathematics for Management, Organizational Behavior Macro, Organizational Behavior Micro, Statistical Models & Analysis in Management, and Business Economics A.
Years 2 & 3:
- You will choose two of the following seven academic tracks: Psychology; Middle Eastern Studies; Modern Jewish and Israel Studies; Digital Culture and Communications; Philosophy; Literature; and Life Sciences
- Major track (20 credits): Students choose one subject area to pursue in greatest depth. This track includes a number of foundational (required) courses, a range of elective courses, and a senior seminar course.
- Minor track (20 credits): This track also involves required and elective courses and students will write a senior referat paper.
- For management, you will study the following courses (33 credits): Introduction to Business Law, Introduction to Financial Accounting, Business Economics B, Macro-Economics and the Israeli Economy, Principles of Management Information Systems for Management, Practical Models in Operations Research, Empirical Research Methods, Principles of Marketing, Principles of Finance, Fundamentals of Strategy
- You will also take elective classes in entrepreneurship and innovation (14 credits), selecting from courses such as: Entrepreneurship & the Startup Ecosystem, Conscious Entrepreneurship, Project Management, and Business Ethics.
For additional details on the current list of classes offered please click here.
Please note that classes offered may change from year to year.