Introduction to Modern Philosophy

Introduction to Early Modern Philospohy

Dr. Itay Snir


Short description

Modern philosophy was born in the 17th century, when changes in religion and science led philosophers into asking new questions and reopening old ones:  Is positive knowledge of reality possible? What is the source for knowledge – the senses, the mind or both? Can we prove the existence of God? Is scientific knowledge valid? If so, what can validate science?

In this course we will discuss texts by René Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, John Locke, David Hume and Immanuel Kant – and confront the central questions which arise in each of them.


Course Policy

All phones must be turned-off while in class.


Course Requirements

Mid Term:

Take-home exam, 15% of the final grade.

Final requirement:

Take-home exam, 85% of the final grade.

Attendance and Participation:

No more than 3 unexcused absences are allowed. 10% bonus will be given to students for meaningful participation in class.

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