Media, Politics and Conflicts

Media, Politics and Conflicts

Dr. Erga Atad


Short description

The aim of this course is to introduce the students the complex role played by the media in relation to politics and conflicts. The course will address the different roles the media can play in different stages of conflicts, and its influence on public opinion and political leaders. We will discuss factors that shape the media coverage of conflicts, such as different journalistic practices and norms. The last part of the course will present the peace journalism model and its implications. During the semester we will also be emphasis contemporary issues related to the media coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Course Requirements

Minor assignments:

Oral presentations – 20%

Final requirement:

Final Paper=70% - The final paper will cover course materials presented in lectures, assigned readings and class (up to 10 pages). The paper will be given to the students on the last meeting of the course.

Attendance and active participation– 10% - active participation includes class discussion, respectful behavior and pre-class readings. Students are allowed up to 3 unexcused absences. 

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