Seminar- Kant: Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Knowledge
Seminar- Kant: Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Knowledge
Prof. Shai Frogel
In the seminar, we will examine the relation between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge in Kant's critical philosophy.
Kant's "Copernican revolution" explains the validity of objective knowledge but also the limits of theoretical knowledge. It rejects the possibility of metaphysical knowledge (ontology), but on the ground of this rejection proves practical knowledge to be metaphysical. This brings Kant to the conclusion that theoretical knowledge is subordinated to practical knowledge and to the idea of the teleology of nature.
Reading material (initial list)
1. Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, Sections:
"Preface to second edition", "Appendix to the transcendental dialectic", "The discipline of pure reason in its dogmatic employment", "The ultimate end of the pure employment of our reason", "The ideal of the highest good, as a determining ground of the ultimate end of pure reason"
2. Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, Sections:
"Of a dialectics of pure reason in defining the conception of the summum bonum" (I-III)
3. Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, Sections:
"Introduction", "Critique of the teleological judgment": 66, 75, 76, 86, 88.
Course Requirements
Attendance is mandatory.
(3 nonattendances are permitted)
Short presentation – 20%
Seminar paper (18-25pp.) or Referat paper (8-13pp.) – 80%