Visions and Visionaries of the Net

Visions and Visionaries of the Net

Dr. Yael Maurer




Short description

Visions and Visionaries of the Net: Utopia and Anxiety in Cyberspace

This course examines the theoretical, literary and filmic responses to the early days of the Net. It explores the utopian and dystopian impulses that are at the heart of these representations which demonstrate both the joys and perils of an imagined cyber future.  By probing both the promise and peril of the entry into the new cyberspace "enclave" as Fredric Jameson puts it, this course will attempt to show how our current experiences in cyber land are influenced and shaped by these early views of the Net. We will move from these early views of the cyber utopians to our present moment when these utopian and dystopian visions seem too close to home to be science fictional.


Course Policy

Keep phones turned off while in class.


Course Requirements

Attendance and participation: 15%

In class midterm: 15%

Final paper : 70%


Attendance and Participation

Mandatory attendance. Attendance and active participation constitute 15% of the overall grade in the course.

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