Academic Writing
Academic Writing Seminar
Dr. Sonia Weiner
Short description
The Academic Writing seminar introduces the student to genres and conventions of academic writing. Throughout the semester, the student will practice writing as an academic venture, utilizing the spirit of inquiry and curiosity alongside a set of writing techniques. Additional emphasis will be placed on acquiring academic research skills, and on adequately citing bibliographic sources.
Learn how to write a position paper and a research paper:
Compose a strong thesis statement.
Organize an essay into a well-written introduction, body (claims), and conclusion.
Build well-constructed paragraphs (topic sentence, explanatory supporting sentences and evidence). Understand what constitutes evidence (sources) and how to integrate it flawlessly into the essay (examples, paraphrase, summarize, quote).
Identify and avoid logical fallacies.
Revise and edit all aspects of an essay.
Engage in critical close reading of texts and learn how to:
Distinguish between different kinds of sources and modes of address.
Identify arguments and organize ideas.
Identify how the text uses evidence.
Situate the author within a discourse, dialogue, discipline.
Develop skills in research methods and techniques, which include:
An in-depth introduction to the library and its databases.
Learning how to judge the validity and reliability of various reading materials.
Correctly use the MLA style of citing.
Summarize, paraphrase and quote – how to avoid plagiarizing.
Course Policy
Phones must remain turned-off for the duration of class.
Course Requirements
4 Critical Responses to Articles = 5% per essay (total 20%)
In Class Presentation of Article = 10%
Submit Outline for Research Paper = Mandatory (not graded)
Draft of Research Paper = 20%
Student Conference to discuss draft and revisions = Mandatory (not graded)
Final Research Paper: Length 8 pages (Font 12, Double Spaced, Times New Roman) = 50%
All assignments must be completed on time.
Late submissions of assignments (max up to 5 days from submission date) will be penalized by loss of up to 10 points. After 5 days, late assignments will not be accepted.
Draft and final of research papers MUST be submitted on schedule. No late papers will be accepted!!
Failure to submit an assignment will result in failure in the course.
Attendance is Compulsory. You are entitled to a maximum 3 unexcused absences. Accruing more than the allotted amount of absences can result in the failure of the course. Late arrivals – as of 15 minutes after the beginning of class – will count as an absence.