Narrative in the Digital Age
Narrative in the Digital Age
Spring Semester
Dr. Shawn Edrei
Office Hours: By appointment
Short description:
As the Internet continues to evolve as both a tool of communication and a narrative platform, we are in turn constantly exposed to new literary phenomena, new categories of fiction, and new storytelling techniques. These works of the Digital Age – heavily influenced by postmodern thinking – call for a reevaluation of our most basic assumptions relating to authorship, characterization, setting, plot and more.
This course will examine key works of digital narratives including webcomics, fan fiction, fan films and online video games, and apply the critical frameworks of established scholars such as Roland Barthes, Alice Bell, Henry Jenkins and more. What kinds of literature are being produced by digital media? How does Internet communication affect our reading experience? What conventions of storytelling have been adapted or dismissed in the Digital Age, and why?
Minor assignments: 1 Response paper, 1-2 pages, flexible deadline. 25% of the final grade.
Mid Term: In-Class Exam, 15% of the final grade.
Final requirement: Paper, 6-8 pages long. 50% of the final grade.
Participation: 10% of the final grade.
Attendance is mandatory. Students are permitted a maximum of three unexcused absences without penalty. Any additional absences will affect the final grade and may result in failure of the course.
Academic conduct:
Plagiarism is taken extremely seriously. Any instance of academic misconduct which includes: submitting someone else’s work as your own; failure to accurately cite sources; taking words from another source without using quotation marks; submission of work for which you have previously received credit; working in a group for individual assignments; using unauthorized materials in an exam and sharing your work with other students, will result in failure of the assignment and will likely lead to further disciplinary measures.